BSR History

Badin Shores was originally developed as a recreational camp ground with the developer selling land and recreational housing. As the park developed, the original developer owner, in 1986, incorporated the facility into a non-profit corporation called Badin Shores Resort Association.

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BSR 2020 via Google Maps

Over the years, the subsequent lot owners continued this non-profit status as the Badin Shores Resort Home Owners Association, Inc. with a full set of By-laws and Covenants along with rules and regulations. Current North Carolina state law requires Board compliance with State Statute 47F. Members (lot owners) of the Association elect officers annually, with split terms, to allow continuity of business operations. Board meetings are held the second Saturday of each month, 9:00 AM at the clubhouse, where the Board meets in regular session and town meetings are also held.

The day to day operation of Badin Shores is managed by a full time Park Manager who is responsible to all lot owners and the Board of Directors. Park employees and vendors, in various capacities report and take instruction from the Park Manager.

Our status as a non-profit organization requires an annual certified public accountant audit.

Many activities at the Park such as building, grounds, appeals, recreation etc. are handled by numerous member volunteers and these groups have made and continue to enhance the Badin Shores experience.

Badin Lake

Badin Lake was constructed in 1917 by the Alcoa, Inc. on the Yadkin River. The reservoir covers 5,350 acres, has 115 miles of shoreline and a maximum depth of 190 feet. A large part of Badin Lake’s shoreline adjoins the beautiful Uwharrie National Forest which received its name from the oldest mountain range in North America, the Uwharrie Mountains. Some 500 million years ago, the Uwharrie Mountains emerged from the soils of North Carolina’s central piedmont. Badin Lake’s Recreation Area is a focal point for campers, hickers, anglers, hunters, boaters, swimmers and picnickers.

According to archeologists, the Uwharrie Mountains were once a chain of islands crushed by a prehistoric collision between Africa and North America. While the dinosaurs that roamed those 20,000 foot summits are long since extinct, the Uwharrie’s now top out at around 1,000 feet. A little known fact is the Uwharries also boast more archaeological sites per acre than any other forest in the Southeast.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy designated 43,000 acres of Montgomery, Randolph and Davidson Counties as a National Forest. Efforts to consolidate land ownership for more effective management have resulted in the addition of approximately 3,000 more acres giving the Uwharrie a total of 46,390 acres. Uwharrie National Forest enhances the beauty and tranquility of Badin Lake’s beautiful shoreline.