BSR Info

Badin Shores Resort homeowners,

The official introduction to the board of directors candidates will be held at the open board meeting on January 13, 2024 at 9 AM this Saturday morning.

We do invite all to attend the official board meeting. Also, you can catch it on the official Facebook site as well.

Thank you,
BSR Office Staff 

Homeowners E-mail 2023

BSR Homeowners,

Good morning BSR homeowners your email is very important to the HOA. Please ensure your email is correct with the office. The HOA is working to establish electronic voting coming up in the new year 2024. Your email will be very important moving forward.

Thank you,

Jimmy Wells

BSR Info 3-1-23

Good morning BSR Homeowners;
                  Please don’t forget to vote, BSR has mailed the ballots out with a pre stamped envelope for you to vote.
Golf Cart inspections are due now however, you have until Memorial Day Weekend to get the inspection sticker.
Thank you,

Boardwalk Repairs – Volunteers Needed

Boardwalk repair;
          February 25, 2023 @ 9:00 AM at the Boat Launching area BSR is going to be working on board replacement with the help of homeowners. Please come out and help on this day, maintenance will be there and we will work to replace some boardwalk boards.
Items you may need to bring with you; gloves, square number 2 with drill, tape measure, and safety glasses.