2025 Dues

Effective January 1, 2025

  • Dues will be $538.00 per Quarter
    • 1st quarter dues – Jan 1-Mar 31
    • 2nd quarter dues – Apr 1 – June 30
    • 3rd quarter dues – Jul 1 – Sep 30
    • 4th quarter dues – Oct 1 – Dec 31
      • Dues Include:
        • Utilities such as household trash, water & sewer, which is approximately $95 per month per home owner
        • Security – Cameras, 24 hour / 7 Day a week Guard Attendance for the gate
        • Park amenities include; Swimming Pool, Putt-Putt course, Basketball Courts, Volleyball, Playgrounds, Horseshoe Pits, Ball field, Pavilion areas, Beach area, Picnic areas, Clubhouse, Chapel, Waterfront Restaurant and all Badin Shores Resort Events.
        • Maintenance and repairs such as pest control, lawn care, preventive maintenance, pool maintenance, water repairs, general repairs, equipment maintenance and repairs, etc. 
        • General HOA Operations such as insurance for common areas and shared amenities, training, etc.
  • Late Fee of $20.00 applies on the 1st day of the following quarter.
  • Annual Mailbox fee is $50.00
  • Please include Lot Number on payment.  Payments may be mailed or dropped off at the office with check or money order.  Our Mailing address is PO Box 219, Richfield, NC 28137. Credit Card payments can be made in the office but a 3.5% service charge applies. Online payments can be made using your homeowner portal.

December 11th HOA Board Meeting

I just wanted to remind all BSR homeowners’ that the next Board meeting is December 11, 2021, at 9:00 AM at the Clubhouse.

We have a lot of new homeowners that have purchased here over the last few years. I believe it is very important for homeowners to know each and every one of the board members. So, please come out and attend the BSR board meeting.

BSR would like for you to meet each one of our board members, as you know they are volunteers and they put a lot of time and effort into this HOA. They deal with so many issues of the past, present and future of the HOA.

It is without question a thankless job. Yet, it is so necessary in order to keep the resort moving and functioning properly.
The Board of Directors has worked diligently to ensure that BSR continues to move forward in the water project and ensure the infrastructure is running at its best. However, they understand the importance of long-term planning and the fact that we must be looking forward to the future. The Board of Directors strives to make sure that we are focused on that which is to come and in the process of handling situations that occur in the present.

Accomplishments that the board has achieved over the years:


  • The water loop to phase 4 was accepted and approved
  • New metal roof was installed at the Restaurant
  • New LED lighting throughout the resort


  • Retaining wall installed at the beach area
  • Updated existing basketball courts
  • Removed old 3-hour boat slips and replaced them with new floating boat slips.
  • BSR surveyed homeowners to understand BSR strengths and weaknesses, as a result, we identified 3 priorities. The resort (board) has been focusing on those three areas:
    • Water improvement
    • Budget/financial security
    • Re-securing the boardwalk


  • Ended our association with Cedar Management Group and brought accounting back in house, as well as, hiring an outside accountant to oversee all. In conjunction with leaving Cedar Management Group, we redesigned both the budget process and budget format.
  • Purchased Higgins property to ensure BSR gated community is kept gated


  • Received approval from USDA to proceed with the planning of our water infrastructure
  • Purchased land from Randolph Communications to establish a construction entrance
  • 2020 & 2021 Sold real-estate in the resort making the HOA $186,000 in revenue

Thank you,
Jimmy Wells

BSR HOA needs Volunteers for 2022

As you are aware we are a nonprofit HOA and we depend on our volunteers. We have so many committees that each and everyone can get involved in, that will help the HOA move forward.

BSR Needs volunteers as we move forward to the 2022 season in such things as: Water-Sewer, Boardwalk, Building Rules, Golf Cart, Finance, Long-Term Planning, Amenities, Beautification, Events, Hearing, Welcome and so much more.

We have had many new homeowners purchase property in the resort and we would like to get those homeowners involved in the HOA.

Please consider volunteering your time in one of these wonderful committees that will help BSR in the 2022 season.

This is our community this is our family and we can accomplish so much more if we all participate in the resort. Each and everyone has a special way to help and BSR would love to have your involvement.

Please come by the BSR office, sign up, and become a part of our family community of volunteers.

Thank you for all you do for BSR,
Jimmy Wells

Thank you for the Appreciation!

To all the homeowners that have sent e-mails to me and our staff, and to those that have stopped by the office to tell us how great the resort looks. I just want to say thank you all for your kind words about the overall looks of the resort.

The resort is looking better each and every year and I Definitely appreciate all the Board Members Employees and Volunteers for all they do for the resort. We are very thankful and grateful for the hard work in making our community look so good.